What do people talk about in coaching and how does it help?

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You’ve probably heard the term “coaching” thrown around quite a bit, but what exactly do people get coached on, and how can it help you in your journey? As a coach who believes in transparency, I’m here to spill the beans on the incredible transformations I’ve witnessed and experienced firsthand.

Let’s start by debunking a common misconception: coaching isn’t just for sports or elite athletes. It’s a powerful tool for personal and professional growth, and it can work wonders in your mid-career phase. So, what are some things people get coached on, and how does it make a difference?

Career Advancement and Transition

Many mid-career professionals seek coaching when they’re at a crossroads. Whether it’s about climbing the corporate ladder, transitioning to a new industry, or pursuing an entrepreneurial venture, a coach can be your guiding star. A client of mine was stuck in a job that didn’t fulfill her. Through coaching, she gained clarity on her true passions and successfully transitioned into a new role that ignited her enthusiasm.

Leadership and Communication

Your inner monologue is often a bustling hub of thoughts and ideas, but translating them into effective communication can be a challenge. Coaches can help you hone your leadership skills, improve your communication, and provide a safe space for you to practice. Another client of mine was struggling with public speaking. Through coaching, he not only overcame his fear but also became a charismatic presenter, which boosted his career.

Work-Life Balance 

Balancing a thriving career with personal life can be a real juggling act. Coaches can help you find that equilibrium. I worked with one client who was overwhelmed with her responsibilities. We crafted strategies to manage her time efficiently, allowing her to excel at work while still having quality time for her family and hobbies.

Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem

Our inner critic can be relentless, especially in high-pressure careers. Coaching can be a game-changer in boosting self-confidence. A particular client of mine struggled with imposter syndrome. We worked on reframing his thoughts and building his self-esteem, resulting in improved self-assurance and career progress.

Now, you might wonder, “Why coaching? Why not just have a pep talk with a friend?” Well, that’s where the magic happens. Those discussions you have with yourself in your interior monologue are often very different when you say them out loud to a neutral party who is trained to hold that space for you to speak. Here’s why:

Unbiased Support

Coaches don’t have a personal agenda or emotional attachment to your decisions. They’re there to support your goals and aspirations without any judgment.

Structured Guidance

Coaches use proven methods and techniques to guide you through challenges, helping you set clear objectives and strategies for achieving them.


They keep you accountable for your actions, ensuring that you stay on track to reach your goals.

Reflection and Feedback 

Coaches act as mirrors, reflecting your thoughts and behaviors and providing constructive feedback that friends might shy away from.

In the world of mid-career professionals, coaching is your secret weapon to tackle challenges head-on, set and achieve ambitious goals, and unlock your full potential. The transformation that can occur when you have a supportive, knowledgeable coach by your side is nothing short of remarkable.

So, whether you’re looking to make that big career move, enhance your leadership skills, or simply find that work-life balance, consider giving coaching a shot. You might just be amazed at how much you can accomplish with the right guidance. Your mid-career journey is an adventure, and a coach can be your trusty sidekick, guiding you through every twist and turn.

Experience a coaching session for yourself and see what it would be like to work with me.