My story of transformation

Beth transformational career coach

Picture me a few years ago, excelling at my job but feeling a hunger for something more.

I craved growth and change, yet the comfort of a steady salary and familiar routine held me back. I was good at what I did, but deep down, I knew I had untapped potential waiting to be unleashed.

The fear of leaving the safety of my job paralysed me. What if the leap into the unknown wasn’t worth it? What if I couldn’t handle the change? These questions kept me tethered to a place where I was comfortable but not fulfilled.

Don’t overthink it, just jump!

One day, I decided it was time. I finally took the leap and embraced the uncertainty. Do you know what? I found a world of possibilities even beyond what I’d imagined (I realise that almost sounds like Star Trek levels of exciting discoveries, and it honestly kind of was).

It certainly wasn’t easy, I had to go back to a beginner’s mindset and embrace the dead ends and lengthy detours that come with doing a new thing. I often felt (feel!) very far out of my comfort zone, which could be daunting, some days. But, you know what? Even on the worst days it was better than feeling stuck and frustrated at work.

Now, as a coach working with people in career ruts, I understand the struggle of wanting more but fearing the unknown, firsthand. When you work with a coach, you can navigate that fear, uncover your true potential, and create a career that aligns with your aspirations. 

Because sometimes, the biggest rewards come from stepping beyond what’s comfortable.

Take Two Coaching

I'm on a mission to elevate lives, guiding mid-career professionals to unlock their true potential.